Germany update

I’m no longer a Christian, see Lost and How I went to theology school and lost my faith.

What’s been going on here?

Today I:

  1. Had some teaching about evangelism
  2. Did some graphic design - aping one of the other designer’s style for consistency.
  3. Learned some songs for playing worship tomorrow
  4. Played a bunch more guitar than I have in a while
  5. Went into Dresden on another exploratory mission - We talked to a homeless guy and a couple of U.S soldiers on break
  6. Ate beans and rice, did dishes duty
  7. Had some awesome conversations with some of my many new friends here
  8. Listened to an incredibly American worship song on repeat while writing this post. “You’re a good, good daddy” I will try to take it seriously - everything but that line is pretty good.

Now what? I should probably be in sleep now. I’m sorry y’all (american song is bleeding in), I meant to write you more real posts this week but it’s been so full on. I have like 3 posts queued up in my brain, and 100s of photos - hopefully I’ll get to share some throughout the day-of-rest that is today and tomorrow.