What is my calling?
I’m no longer a Christian, see Lost and How I went to theology school and lost my faith
This post is pretty much just about me me me.
The primary thing I’ve learned here and will take away is a sense of my gifts and calling and how that fits with the rest of the Church as a whole.
I have more of an idea of who I’m not, and how that’s ok. I’m more comfortable with not having the same gifts as others - I am not an evangelist, I am not a pastor. Those are not the only ways for a committed follower of Christ to serve. Obviously I knew that in the past, but now I’m starting to actually believe it. And because I know those aren’t my gifts I have more comfort with the times I am evangelising and pastoraling.
I have more of an idea of who I am, and how I’m still in progress, and that’s ok. I see the natural gifts and desires God has given me - I can see them more as gifts than as ‘ways I’m better than others’. I can also see my weaknesses as ways others are better than me and be excited for them rather than jealous.
I have more of an understanding of the scripture that talks about it being silly for an eye to try to be a foot or a nose to wish it was an eye. And that comes from meeting eyes and feet and understanding more of my nose-ness.
The most important thing I’ve learned over these last six weeks is
- Trust God.
- Trust God has plans.
- Trust God with my plans.
- Trust God made me the way I am on purpose - to not try to be someone else.
These aren’t really the things you come to a christian school to learn, but they’re definitely things I needed to learn, and I’m glad I’m here, I’m glad I learned them and am still learning them, and I’m confident and excited about now and the future.